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HovErgo Assembly Instructions

Follow these step-by-step instructions to assemble your HovErgo Mouse Pad. This page includes detailed descriptions, images, and videos for each step of the process.


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The HovErgo Hardware kit contains the non-3D-printed parts from the HovErgo Mouse Pad. It includes:

Assembly Image

Displayed below is the hardware kit along with all 3D-printed parts:

Assembly Image

Preparing Bottom Platform

Step 1: Bottom Platform Support Removal

Assembly Image

Step 2: Clearing the Center Support

Assembly Image

Step 3: Removing Silicone Pad Socket Supports

Step 4: Attaching the Silicone Pads

Balance Cap Assembly

Step 5: Installing the Balance Cap

Step 6: Securing the Balance Cap

Securing the Spike

Step 7: Threading Spike onto the Screw.

Step 8: Tighten Screw and Spike

Installing the Top and Bottom Platform Hooks

Installing the Top Platform Hooks

Step 9: Attaching Hooks to the Top Platform

Assembly Image

Step 10: Position Hook Assembly Tool onto the Hook

Assembly Image

Step 11: Secure the Hook to the Platform

Installing the Bottom Platform Hooks

Step 12: Attaching Hooks to the Bottom Platform

Assembly Image

Step 13: Secure the Hook to the Platform

Attaching the Springs

Step 14: Attaching the First Spring

Step 15: Attaching the Opposite Spring

Step 16: Aligning the Top Platform

Step 17: Completing the Spring Installation